Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Catholic Teens 7-25-06

Hey All--

There's a long section for the Question O' The Week—so I won't say much today….other then I hope you're staying cool! And please keep those poor suffering people in the Middle East in your prayers. I read where approximately half the casualties are children. Lord have mercy.


Question O' The Week:

First off---a follow-up to last week's question from Mariah:

Hi everyone,

I was reading the answer to the question about why God condemns people to Hell for eternity, and I noticed that the subject of free will came up. I used to always wonder, as I'm sure many do, why God creates people who end up in Hell if He knows that they will deny Him and sin. What's the point? It seems like God must be kind of a sick God, doesn't it? A few years ago, I read the Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. Great book, by the way. I would highly recommend that you read it if you're so unfortunate as to not have read it already. Anyway, chapter twenty-seven says something I'd like to share.

"The Enemy (meaning God, remember, this book is narrated by a demon) does not forsee the humans making their free contributions in a future, but sees them doing so in His unbounded Now. And obviously to watch a man doing something is not to make him do it"

I'm not sure how theologically accurate that is, but it helped me to understand the nature of free will a little better. And it does set out the difference between free will and predestination.

So there we go. I hope I didn't annoy anyone with my off-the-wall and probably strange email!


Mariah Pehoski

And on to this week's Question:

"Why can't you marry people that aren't Catholic?"

-Well actually you can. I'm not sure who told you that. However, it isn't encouraged. Why? Because a shared Faith is something that strengthens a marriage and helps the couple to make it through life. If you don't share the same faith, it is that much more difficult.

And with around 50% of all marriages ending in divorce, it's not easy today. Wouldn't you want all the help you could get?



-For peace in the world and an end to terrorism, especially in the Middle East.

I read where approximately half those killed in Lebannon and Israel are children.

-For all the other intentions you hold in your hearts, we pray to the Lord.

Lord, hear our prayer.



-Volunteer Opportunity: This Sunday, the Diocese is honoring those who have been married 50+ years with a dinner and Mass celebrated by Bishop Listecki. They are looking for people to help serve and assist in other ways. It runs from 2pm w/Mass and ends about 5pm. To volunteer contact Alice Heinzen <1-800-255-6226> or email her at nfp@dioceseoflacrosse.com

-For Girls: Nun Run! Did you ever think God might be calling you to be a nun? Did you ever wonder what nuns do all day, what the lives of different religious communities looks like? Then join us for "Nun Run", July 31-August 4. Starting with Mass at Pacelli, Monday, July 31, Fr. Derek Sakowski & Mrs. Mary Beth Meehl will lead 2 or 3 vans of young ladies (ages 14-30) on a 5-day road trip to the Twin Cities , LaCrosse, St. Louis, Rockford and back—visiting 7 different convents. If interested, contact Fr. Derek at 715-252-4396 or by email: frsakowski@spacs.k12.wi.us

-For Guys: Are you a V.I.P? ("Vocation in Progress") Did you ever think God might be calling you to the priesthood? Spend an enjoyable and prayerful day with some of our finest priests to explore that possibility. There will be a mix of prayer, outdoor fun, witness talks, discussions, Mass, and good food shared with each other and with the priests. Any young men grades 7-12 are welcome! Coming Friday, August 4th, 10AM-6PM, Pacelli High School. To pre-register, call the Office of Youth Ministry at 608-791-0161

St. Peter's Keys Softball:

Mother Nature interrupted us last night with a 6-1 lead in the 4th inning over 1st Place Graffiti's. The game will be concluded next Monday night at 930pm. That will immediately follow our regularly scheduled game against Fill's Bar at 830pm.

Note: There will be no "Catholic Teens Email" next week. My family and I will be visiting relatives in California…where yesterday it was over 100 degrees J

God bless you!

Phil Lawson

For more information on St. Peters check out the parish website: www.saintpetercatholic.com

Catholic Teens is a weekly email from Phil Lawson to Catholic Teenagers. To receive these weekly reflections, send an email to lawsphil@gmail.com. On the other hand, if you'd like to be removed from this list, please send an email indicating that.


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