Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Catholic Teens 5-23-06

Hey All--

Do you ever wonder whether you can make a difference in the world? Do you ever wonder, "what can I possibly do to change anything?" It's a good question...I mean we all feel very insignificant at times. Think about this little story...

A 10 year old boy was walking along the ocean shore after the tide had receded. He was picking up the starfish that had been left behind and one-by-one picking them up and tossing them back into the ocean. (For if they were just left, they'd die of exposure before the tide came back in). A 20 year old guy was walking along the shore and saw what the little boy was doing. He approached him and asked him why he was bothering to throw some of them back in, "after all, you can't possibly throw them all back in...what difference does it make." The little boy looked up at the guy, threw another starfish back into the ocean, and responded, "it makes a difference to this one." And the little boy continued throwing them back, one-by-one.

We all make a difference, and it's usually in the little things. You'd be amazed at the difference you can make, even in one person's life just by being there and helping. And just like the starfish who was saved and thrown back into the ocean, you may very well save someone's life. We all have our own part to play in this world, no matter how "little" or "insignificant" it may appear to others.


Question O' The Week:
"I heard that people in Heaven don't remember their Earthly life. Is that true? Like you won't remember your husband/wife, parents, or friends?"

-Heaven is a very different place. It is eternal happiness with God and everyone is joined in Union w/God. So as opposed to having a "best friend" or just being close to your family on earth/.....in Heaven, you are that close to everyone. Everyone is a family, the family of God...and a perfect family at that.

Do you remember the stuff of Earth? Yes. Recall, your soul is immortal. The same soul you have on Earth, you also have in Heaven. Do you think Mary doesn't remember having Jesus at Bethlehem? Or that the saints don't remember how they got to Heaven? It's a pretty safe bet, that you'll remember stuff in Heaven :-)


Prayer Intentions:
-For the soul of Shawn McMahon, and the consolation and peace of his family. (His wife's due date is tomorrow).
-For all young people, that they make wise choices now as they look toward marriage and their vocations in the future.
-For all married couples, that they may base their marriage in God, and thereby eliminate the high divorce rate.

For all of these and all your intentions, we pray to the Lord.
Lord hear our prayer.


-I'm giving a talk on the Da Vinci Code tomorrow (Wednesday) night at 6:30PM. This is open to everyone, young and old!

-Looks like it's going to warm up this week..and in the 80's this weekend. Have a wondeful Memorial Day Weekend!

God bless you!
Phil Lawson


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