Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Catholic Teens

Hey All,

Spring is in the air...new life abounds...and as we walk with Jesus through this Holy Week, we meditate on the Sacrifice of the Cross, while looking forward to the Joy of the Resurrection.
We are blessed this year to have 10 people receiving sacraments at the Easter Vigil, including 6 who have converted from other brances of Christianity. May we be inspired by their faith!

Question O' The Week:
Last week the pope met with young people in Rome, ahead of their local World Youth Day celebration....and there was a Q&A (How cool would that be?!) Here's one of the questions...and the pope's response:

Vittorio, 20, asked the Pope to tell his listeners how he decided to become a priest and to give advice to those youths thinking about the possibility of consecrating their lives to God. "I grew up in a very different world than today's, though things are similar," Benedict XVI said. "On one hand, it was something normal to go to Church. … [Yet,] the Nazi regime was there, which prophesied a world without priests. In face of this anti-human culture, I understood that the Gospel and the faith point out the correct path to us." Benedict XVI said that he was helped by two elements when he was young. First, "I discovered the beauty of the liturgy, loving it because it presents us the beauty of God and opens heaven to us." Second, "I discovered the beauty of God by engaging in dialogue with him through theology," he added. "Evidently, difficulties were not lacking and I wondered if I would be able to live my whole life in celibacy, aware that theology was not enough to be a good priest. "Theology is beautiful but it was necessary to be simple with the simple. The Lord helped me with the company of good priest friends." To youths thinking about responding to God's call to the consecrated life, the Pope recommended that they enter into "friendship with God, and not stay with the books, but live a personal relationship to understand what it is that he says specifically to me." To achieve this, one needs "courage and humility, confidence and openness to ask oneself what the Lord wants," the Holy Father said. "It is a great venture, but life can only be lived with the confidence that the Lord does not leave us alone."


Prayer requests:
If you have anything or anyone you'd like to pray for, email them to me and I'll add them to the list here. (You can remain anonymous if you like).

-For a childhood friend of mine who recently attempted suicide..and for his family.
-For those who are trying to live without Christ, for all Protestants, for Catholics who do not live Catholic lives, and for those who do not believe in God
-For an end to abortion, contraception, and euthanasia, and a renewed respect for the sanctity, dignity, and holiness of all life
-For an end to Homosexuality and every kind of impurity, and for those who commit them
- i would like you add my friend, she is going
through some tough times in her life and doesn't always make good choices.
so i pray the God will give her guidence to help
her to make the choices, that i am sure in the back of her head, she knowsis right.
--For all these we pray to the Lord,
Lord hear our prayer.


Announcements: Next Youth Group is Sunday, April 23rd! 6-8PM @ St. Peter's.
Movie Night!
God bless you!

Phil Lawson


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