Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Catholic Teens

Hey All,

It's been a great week and a half. Little William and his mother are doing great (in spite of Dad's efforts at cooking for them :-) ).

We took advantage of the nice weather and William went on his first stroller ride Sunday. It's hard to describe just how blessed we feel these days.
Question O' The Week:

"What is the difference between the Lutheran and Catholic Mass?"

Good question. To start off with, most Lutherans would be upset if you called their service "Mass." Mass is a Catholic thing. Beyond that, what is the difference between what Catholics and Lutherans do each Sunday?

The general Lutheran service contains readings from the Scriptures, prayers, and Communion..altho some only do communion once a month or every other week.

One of the biggest differences is in Communion. Lutherans believe in "consubstantiation"--that is the bread and wine for communion stay bread and wine and become Christ. In other words both Christ and the bread/wine are still there.

Catholics on the other hand, believe in "transubstantiation"--the bread and wine become fully the Body and Blood of Christ. That Christ alone is present in the what was formerly just bread and wine.

It may not sound like a lot on the surface, but it has all sorts of ramifications. Because Christ is present in the Eucharist, we reserve the Blessed Sacrament in the Tabernacle at the front of Church with a red vigil light to signify Him. That's why we genuflect when we come in to the Church. It's also why we have such reverence for the Eucharist at Communion, and why non-Catholics, who don't believe in the Eucharist, can't receive Communion.

One more point before this gets too long. Catholics hold this truth because this is what is taught in the Bible (Jn 6 especially) and what has been held to be true for the past 2000 years. Lutherans, which started in 1517 by Martin Luther, only have the Bible..and don't have that history.


Prayer requests:
I'd like to start a new section for prayer requests. If you have anything or anyone you'd like to pray for, email them to me and I'll add them to the list here. (You can remain anonymous if you like).

-For a childhood friend of mine who recently attempted suicide..and for his family.
-For those who are trying to live without Christ, for all Protestants, for Catholics who do not live Catholic lives, and for those who do not believe in God
-For an end to abortion, contraception, and euthanasia, and a renewed respect for the sanctity, dignity, and holiness of all life
-For an end to Homosexuality and every kind of impurity, and for those who commit them
- i would like you add my friend, she is going through some tough times in her life and doesn't always make good choices. so i pray the God will give her guidence to help her to make the choices, that i am sure in the back of her head, she knowsis right.

--For all these we pray to the Lord,
Lord here our prayer.


Announcements: Next Youth Group is Sunday, April 2nd! 6-8PM @ St. Peters.

God bless you!
Phil Lawson


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