Thursday, February 02, 2006

Catholic Teens - February 1, 2006

Hey All—
Success! After about a week of work and some very kind words of wisdom from
people who know electricity much better then yours truly, we now have 2 new
working outlets! Even managed to avoid shocking myself at all.
As wiring and electricity is not something I have much experience with, I am
grateful for the help and advice given. While many of us, myself included,
are very independent, the fact is we all need others---and that’s a good
thing. The same applies in the Christian life. There is an old saying, "A
Christian alone, is a Christian in danger." Meaning..none of us can do it
alone—if we try, we’ll falter. That’s one of the reasons, when Christ sends
out His disciples, He sends them out Two-By-Two. Never alone—always with
someone else to support and encourage them.
We are called to do the same for our friends and they for us, as we seek to
follow Christ more fully.
Question O’ the Week:
"How can we make sure that we stay married, and not end up divorced when we
get older?"
-The priest who married my wife and I just sent a copy of his homily from
our Wedding Mass to us. In there was a great statistic that I had
forgotten, amidst all the things that are happening on one’s wedding day (go
figure!). He cited this number----of Catholics who pray together each day,
go to Mass together each Sunday, and use NFP(and not any contraception) ….only 1 in 1200 end up divorced. 1 in 1200! Think about that...overall
there is a greater then 50% divorce rate in our society, but if you do the
above your chances of getting divorced are 1 in 1200 or 0.83%. The priest
called it "marriage insurance."
Think about it…praying together daily, going to Mass, and being open to
children---these are the things you promise to your spouse, before God on
your wedding day. If you actually do these things, there’s almost ZERO
chance you’ll end up divorced. The couple makes this pledge before God and
God pledges to bless you. If you keep your end of the bargain, He’ll be
faithful in His. And the numbers point out that it works.
The problem is, many couples don’t live out what they promise…they come to
Church to get married, but then don’t come back the next Sunday, or any
Sunday for that matter.
My parents got divorced, and I decided to do everything I possibly could to
avoid having that happen in my own marriage…and following the above is a
pretty good start!

No announcements this week!
God bless you!
Phil Lawson

"It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you
wish." --Mother Teresa


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