Thursday, February 02, 2006

Catholic Teens - January 25, 2006

Hey All--
This week's task has been playing with electricity at the house. So far
no "shocking experiences". :-) Now I know very little about wiring and re- wiring, etc. But I'm learning. I'm reading and asking those who do know
more then I do. And it works.
It's a good analogy to the faith. Very few of us know much about our faith,
and that's why we ask questions and study. This particular email list is an
aid in that regard. Your questions are always welcome!
Question O' the Week:
"Do you thinkg the Holy Grail is Christ's bloodline or an actual cup?"
-This question is a reference to "the DaVinci Code" a fictional book that
makes the case that the Holy Grail, traditionally claimed to be the cup
Jesus used at the Last Supper, was instead Jesus' bloodline, falsely
claiming that Jesus married Mary Magdalene.
It's an unfortunate reality today that people often get more of their
knowledge on the faith from fictional books and movies then from the Bible
and the Church.
Numerous people throughout history, refusing to believe that Jesus was God
or that He would die for us, or that He would remain celibate, have tried to
tarnish what He did. The DaVinci Code, which, even the author claims to be
fictional(Likewise a team of scholars went through the book and found tons
of historical inaccuracies) is just the latest in the effort to tarnish
Jesus--and it should be pointed out, make a lot of $$$. Dan Brown, the
author, is now a very rich man for what he wrote.
There is zero evidence that Jesus Christ got married or was anything but
celibate. (Besides don't you think if that actually happened more people
would have known about it then Dan Brown?) There is substantial historical
evidence for just the opposite, that Jesus Christ, God, was crucified and
died for us.
So next time you hear something that sounds really weird, just remember,
people love conspiracy theories and there's lots of money to be made.
The next Youth Group: Generation JPII is scheduled for
Sunday, January 29th at 200PM. We will join hundreds of people
from around Portage County in a Walk for Life, to pray and
demonstrate that unborn babies have rights too. And for healing for
all those who have been victimized or hurt by abortion. Meet at the UWSP
Student Union at 130pm.
God bless you!
Phil Lawson
"It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may
live as you wish." --Mother Teresa


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