Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Catholic Teens

Hey All--

What a weekend! 33 young adults came together for our 3rd Annual College-Age retreat. We had representatives from UW-Milwaukee, UW-LaCrosse, UW-Madison, UW-Stevens Point, as well as numerous other places. It's exciting to see so many people come together for the same reason, God and the Faith. Of course, we also had an awesome football game in the snow and real nice weather for tubing :-)

It's quite a bit different then most of your Confirmation retreats---everyone actually wanted to be there. People actually volunteered to get up in the middle of the night for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and people wanted to go to Confession.

Embracing all of the above is the goal for the Christian...to seek Christ with your whole heart. So that, religion isn't viewed as a burden, but as a relationship of love to God the Father, who indeed desires Communion with each and every one of us.

We talked about vocations a lot, and I have no doubt that there will be holy marriages, holy priests, and holy sisters coming out of that retreat. (We already had one couple meet there who is now engaged!)

Question O' The Week:
"What does marriage mean to you?"

Patty and I actually gave a short talk on our marriage this weekend. Marriage is my vocation. In my marriage, I serve God. In serving my wife, I serve God. In raising my family(21 more days till the due date!) I serve God. So in a very real sense, marriage is my ticket to heaven, as long as I am faithful to my responsibilities.

For me, marriage is absolutely amazing. Granted, I've only been married 9 months, but it's been an incredible blessing, and it's hard to imagine being any happier. :-)

When you find your vocation, peace is what you find and joy is what follows. And even though it won't always be happy times, you know that you are where God wants you to be and that He gives you the Grace to persevere.


Prayer requests:
I'd like to start a new section for prayer requests. If you have anything or anyone you'd like to pray for, email them to me and I'll add them to the list here. (You can remain anonymous if you like).

-That all may realize that God is calling them to a specific vocation and that they may find it. We pray to the Lord.


Announcements: Next Youth Group is Sunday, March 12! 6-8PM @ St. Peter's. Your's truly is leading it. We're going to have a DTS night for everyone. (DTS is our college age group that meets every Thursday). We'll have our meeting in the "Catacombs of St. Peter's" and talk about the saints. I'm looking forward to it :-)

God bless you!
Phil Lawson


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