Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Catholic Teens

Hey All--
A Blessed Valentine's Day to everyone. Recall that St. Valentine was a real person. He was physician in Rome in the 200's. He was also a Christian, unbeknownst to the authorities. In fact, since Christianity was illegal in those days, Valentine would make frequent visits, as a doctor, to the prison, to minister to the Christians being held. Eventually he was found out and put in prision himself...eventually being put to death in 269.

In a very real sense, he died for love. True Love of God.

Question O' The Week:

I know that if the devil puts a bad thought in your head it isn't a sin if you dismiss it and don't entertain it. Can that work the same way with judging others? It seems almost like it is automatic to jugde someone but if you dismiss saying that that may not be true of the case is that okay? -Right. We can't control the thoughts or emotions that come. It is how we deal with them or whether we dwell on them that makes the difference. For instance, if you were in a situation and you saw someone, and had a bad thought about them, you should just pray, "Lord, help me to view that person as you do...and please bless that person." Then put it out of your mind as best you can.
Thoughts and feelings aren't sinful. Dwelling on them, encouraging them, or even acting on them is the sinful part. The best course is just to offer it to Jesus and put it in His hands.

Announcements: Sledding this Sunday! And looks like we'll have snow. 6PM @ St. Peter's. Contact Natalie Timm timmgirl86@yahoo.com for more information!

God bless you!
Phil Lawson


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