Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Catholic Teens 5-9-06

Hey All,

I've just heard a report that Amnesty International, that worldwide group that does so much good helping spotlight political prisoners and human rights abuses, is looking to now support abortion as a "human right". How sad and disturbing. A group that does so much good to defend human rights, would turn it's back on perhaps the most defenseless and innocent of all, those still in the womb.

I find my convictions about the life of little ones, while strong previously, becoming even more so as I watch my own son...so precious, so innocent, so defenseless, and so totally dependent on his parents. And it amazes me all the more that anyone could consider harming such a one, no matter what the circumstances.


Question O' the Week:
"Is getting drunk at a wedding a sin?"
(Yes, this was an actual question submitted!)

-As God tells us, "your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit." Shouldn't you treat it nicely? (Even if it's a wedding!) The Bible does not condemn drinking. After all, Jesus turned the water into wine at the Wedding at Cana. (It wasn't grape juice.) However, in many places the Bible does condemn getting drunk.

Remember, you are made in the image and likeness of God. You are a beautiful gift of Creation. Getting drunk harms that beautiful image. As St. Paul alludes too: "Christian remember your dignity!" In other words, you're better then that.


Prayer Intentions:

-For Darlene, here at St. Peter's. She recently lost 2 of her cousins.
-For Loretta, whose husband is undergoing surgery and tests tomorrow.
-For Fr. Louis, suffering the effects of the flu and allergies.

-For these and all our intentions, we pray to the Lord! Lord, hear our prayer.


Next Generation JPII Youth Group: Sunday, May 21st @ 6PM. Fr. Dan Farley, who served in Iraq as a chaplain, will talk about his experiences!

God bless you!
Phil Lawson


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