Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Hey All,

William's Baptism is this Saturday at 1pm at St. Peter's. There'll be an open house at our home afterwards. You're all invited! :-)
He's been doing his "Superman" routine lately...he starts grunting and thrusts his right arm into the air and keeps it their. Who know's what he's dreaming! It is pretty cute though!
Question O' The Week:
-"How far is too far?" (in a relationship)
---A very pertinent question that most teens ask at one point or another.
Recognize that the other person is made in the image and likeness of God. And deep physical affection is meant for marriage. One analogy that I have used, would you want your future husband/wife to be doing this action with somebody else? If the answer is no, then you probably shouldn't be doing it.

Matthew Pinto in "Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons" puts it this way:
"Actions like holding hands, modest kisses, and embraces are perfectly fine as long as you have a firm presence of mind that these acts will not lead to serious sins against chastity."

It is far too easy to fall into the trap of the physical aspect of a relationship dominating. That is unhealthy and if the relationship ends, makes it that much more painful.

Indeed, while modest kissing in a relationship is not sinful, more and more couples are choosing to wait until their wedding day for their first kiss. My wife and I made that decision. Our first kiss was on the day we were married. How awesome was that!? It made it that much more special.

Our sexuality is a beautiful and profound gift, don't reduce it or waste it on someone who you're not going to be with forever.


Prayer requests:
If you have anything or anyone you'd like to pray for, email them to me and I'll add them to the list here. (You can remain anonymous if you like).

-For those who were received into the Church or received sacraments this past Easter Vigil.
-For one of our College DTS students who had emergency surgery last week and is now recovering.
-For all Catholic teenagers.
--For all these we pray to the Lord,
Lord hear our prayer.


Announcements: Next Youth Group is this Sunday, April 23rd! 6-8PM @ St. Peter's.
Movie Night. I think The Chronicles of Narnia is on tap. (Plus hopefully little William will make an appearance!)
God bless you!

Phil Lawson


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