Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Catholic Teens 6-27-06

Hey All--

One of the things I love about St. Peters is the many priests and sisters who always seem to be around. Just this morning, we had 3 (!) priests celebrate Mass here. Fr. Louis, Fr. Dennis Worzella, and a priest from South Dakota who has been ordained only 2 weeks! He was here to visit his grandma and also Fr. Louis who was the Dean of Students at the Josephinum Seminary, where this young priest attended.

Similarly, last Thursday, we had 2 Schoenstatt Sisters here to begin a young woman’s group for some of our ladies. Both Sr. Maria Elena & Sr. Catherine were remarkable in their joy and youthfulness—both in their 20’s(that’s my guess anyway J ). They drove almost 3 hours from the Milwaukee area to spend the evening with us. And what a treat it was to have them here!

It has been said that there is no “vocations crisis”—that God is still calling, it’s just people aren’t listening anymore. God is still calling young men to the priesthood and young women to the convent. There are 2 opportunities coming up later this summer to help young people to “listen”.

August 4th is the V.I.P. (Vocations in Progess) day for the guys at Pacelli. And July 31st-August 4th is the Nun Run for the girls….take a road trip to 7 different convents in the Midwest J Details on both of these are below in the “Announcements” Section.

And similarly, please keep Katie Buss in your prayers as she prepares to enter the convent of the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration (the EWTN Sisters) in mid-July!

Question O' The Week:
I've also been told that if you wear a scapular and you die you get to go right to Heaven. If so, how does that work? Does that mean you won't really have a judgement or what? -We all will face a judgment. The Scapular is a very powerful tool, but it is not magic. We have to wear it with the right intention--which is to remind us of God and Mary, His Mother. And if we live each day, with God on our mind, we're well on our way toward Heaven. And, plus, we have Mary interceding us--and she's a very powerful help!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- For Katie Buss, Phil Kosloski, Sr. Mary Gabriel, & Franz Klein who are all actively pursuing their vocations to the convent or priesthood.
-For Fr. Derek Sakowski, Phil Kosloski, Natalie Timm, and all those others on a mission trip to Peru.
-That all young people may “listen” to God’s call, wherever it may lead.
-For all the other intentions you hold in your hearts, we pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear our prayer.


-The next Gen. JPII Youth Group meets Sunday night, July 9th!

-Vacation Bible School is July 24th-28th 845am-Noon each day. We’re looking for volunteers to help out! Interested? Send me an email!

-For Girls: Nun Run! Did you ever think God might be calling you to be a nun? Did you ever wonder what nuns do all day, what the lives of different religious communities looks like? Then join us for “Nun Run”, July 31-August 4. Starting with Mass at Pacelli, Monday, July 31, Fr. Derek Sakowski & Mrs. Mary Beth Meehl will lead 2 or 3 vans of young ladies (ages 14-30) on a 5-day road trip to the Twin Cities, LaCrosse, St. Louis, Rockford and back—visiting 7 different convents. If interested, contact Fr. Derek at 715-252-4396 or by email: frsakowski@spacs.k12.wi.us

-For Guys: Are you a V.I.P? (“Vocation in Progress”) Did you ever think God might be calling you to the priesthood? Spend an enjoyable and prayerful day with some of our finest priests to explore that possibility. There will be a mix of prayer, outdoor fun, witness talks, discussions, Mass, and good food shared with each other and with the priests. Any young men grades 7-12 are welcome! Coming Friday, August 4th, 10AM-6PM, Pacelli High School. To pre-register, call the Office of Youth Ministry at 608-791-0161

-Looking for something fun to do on Monday nights? Our parish softball team, including yours truly, and the infamous Natalie Timm, plays at 630pm at Zenoff Park, July 10th. The team is the St. Peter's Keys. We lost another tough one last night, 10-8 to Grazies.

God bless you!
Phil Lawson

For more information on St. Peters check out the parish website: www.saintpetercatholic.com

Catholic Teens is a weekly email from Phil Lawson to Catholic Teenagers. To receive these weekly reflections, send an email to lawsphil@gmail.com. On the other hand, if you’d like to be removed from this list, please send an email indicating that.


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