Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Catholic Teens 7-11-06

Hey All--

“Gone to the dogs….”

Phil K. and I have been doing Rosary walks around the neighborhood of St. Peter’s as a way of evangelization. The people we’ve had a chance to talk too all have one thing in common…..they’re out walking their dogs. It’s been a great conversation starter!

We’ve decided we need to convince Fr. Louis to get a dog now J

Evangelization can take many different forms. There is of course, the foundation of prayer, especially for those who don’t know Christ and His Church. And from there one has to live the life of Christ. So that others may see Christ in you…and then be lead to ask the question: “Why are you so peaceful?” “Why are you so joyful?” “Why do you seem to have direction in your life?” And of course, you can respond…”God.”

Beyond this, there are more direct forms of evangelization. The Youth Group’s “Bring a Non-Catholic friend Night” this past winter was one great example. Others include striking up conversations about the faith with friends and others you meet. (Or one could say “the ones God brings into your life”)

The visible, public witness of the faith is perhaps the most powerful form of evangelization---not being in any one’s face—but just simply living your faith. My wife and I regularly take Rosary walks around our neighborhood—pushing William along in the stroller. When a group of us goes out to eat, we take the time to pray before meals. When JPII passed away, a group of us took a Rosary walk around the neighborhood.

All just simply living the faith and being willing to share it….with or without dogs J

Question O' The Week:
I know that if the devil puts a bad thought in your head it isn't a sin if you dismiss it and don't entertain it. Can that work the same way with judging others? It seems almost like it is automatic to jugde someone but if you dismiss saying that that may not be true of the case is that okay?

-Right. We can't control the thoughts or emotions that come. It is how we deal with them or whether we dwell on them that makes the difference. For instance, if you were in a situation and you saw someone, and had a bad thought about them, you should just pray, "Lord, help me to view that person as you do...and please bless that person." Then put it out of your mind as best you can.

-These are also habits that we fall into. At that point, we do things almost automatically, and like any bad habit, it takes time to break. That’s where confession comes in. Each time you go to confession you are given Grace—and that Grace helps you overcome that bad habit, or sin. So take advantage of it! J After all, God wants to help you overcome your faults, it’d be silly to not take advantage of that assistance.


-For peace in the world and an end to terrorism. Especially for the victims of the explosions in India today.
- For Katie Buss as she enters the convent this Sunday. And for safe travel for all who are going down to Alabama to send her off.
-For a 4 year old, tragically killed in a car accident and the family, in Virginia.
-For Fr. Louis on his vacation, that it is restful and refreshing. (Priests need a break every once in awhile too!)
-For all the other intentions you hold in your hearts, we pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear our prayer.



-Vacation Bible School is July 24th-28th 845am-Noon each day. We’re looking for volunteers to help out! Interested? Send me an email!

-For Girls: Nun Run! Did you ever think God might be calling you to be a nun? Did you ever wonder what nuns do all day, what the lives of different religious communities looks like? Then join us for “Nun Run”, July 31-August 4. Starting with Mass at Pacelli, Monday, July 31, Fr. Derek Sakowski & Mrs. Mary Beth Meehl will lead 2 or 3 vans of young ladies (ages 14-30) on a 5-day road trip to the Twin Cities, LaCrosse, St. Louis, Rockford and back—visiting 7 different convents. If interested, contact Fr. Derek at 715-252-4396 or by email: frsakowski@spacs.k12.wi.us

-For Guys: Are you a V.I.P? (“Vocation in Progress”) Did you ever think God might be calling you to the priesthood? Spend an enjoyable and prayerful day with some of our finest priests to explore that possibility. There will be a mix of prayer, outdoor fun, witness talks, discussions, Mass, and good food shared with each other and with the priests. Any young men grades 7-12 are welcome! Coming Friday, August 4th, 10AM-6PM, Pacelli High School. To pre-register, call the Office of Youth Ministry at 608-791-0161

-Looking for something fun to do on Monday nights? Our parish softball team, including yours truly, and the infamous Natalie Timm, plays at 730pm at Zenoff Park, July 17th. The team is the St. Peter's Keys.
We lost a heartbreaker last night 13-12. The game ended with the bases loaded. Give credit to 2nd Street Pub as they made the plays when it counted!

God bless you!
Phil Lawson

For more information on St. Peters check out the parish website: www.saintpetercatholic.com

Catholic Teens is a weekly email from Phil Lawson to Catholic Teenagers. To receive these weekly reflections, send an email to lawsphil@gmail.com. On the other hand, if you’d like to be removed from this list, please send an email indicating that.


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