Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Catholic Teens 9-5-06

Hey All--

Last Friday I was standing in line for confession behind my wife and holding my son. I was rocking little William back and forth and I looked over at Patty. She was also rocking back and forth, except she didn’t have William. J It’s become such a habit, that she rocks back and forth whether she has William in her arms or not. It was kind of cute to see J Yet, since she does it so frequently, since she holds William so often that it has become second-nature.

Our Faith is supposed to be like that. Second-nature. It should be automatic that we pray before meals (whether at home, at school, or at a restaurant). It should be second-nature that we pray before going to bed each night. It should be automatic that we go to Mass each Sunday. All these are good things, and the more we do them the more the habit takes root, and in fact the easier it becomes to live the Faith. So much so, that like rocking little William, we do it because it is part of who we are.

Question O' The Week:
“What is sin of omission? If we are with someone and they sin, do we have to tell them? If so, HOW?”

-A sin of omission is not doing/saying something that you know you should. For example: If you were to not tell the full truth "omitting" some of the details. Or if you were to witness a crime, but didn't say anything about it. Or a more extreme example, if someone were to come to you and say she was going to have an abortion and you didn't say anything..like how wrong that it is.

True Christian friendship asks us to let our friends know when they sin...and they should do the same for us. That's helping each other get to heaven. But few friendships are that good. In most circumstances, we're with people that we know, but aren't necessarily real good friends with. What do you do then? It depends on the situation. It usually does more harm then good to frequently be pointing out people's sins. Besides, we need to focus on ourselves anyway. At the same time, if it is a serious matter, we have an obligation to try and help that person.

In everything, always remember to pray to God, and especially the Holy Spirit, whom you received at Confirmation. Call on Him and He will guide you to when and what you should say!


-For peace in the world and an end to terrorism.
-For an end to all forms of violence, especially to the elderly and unborn, we pray to the Lord.
-For Fr. Dennis Worzella who has further tests scheduled in Washington DC (he has family out there).
-For all the other intentions you hold in your hearts, we pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear our prayer.



The Youth Group, Generation JPII will be picking up full-steam ahead in September.
The first meetings is Sunday night, September 17th! Mark your calendars!
Look for meetings to be held 2 Sundays a month! Watch for more info!

We’ll be back next year!

God bless you!
Phil Lawson

For more information on St. Peters check out the parish website: www.saintpetercatholic.com

Catholic Teens is a weekly email from Phil Lawson to Catholic Teenagers. To receive these weekly reflections, send an email to lawsphil@gmail.com. On the other hand, if you’d like to be removed from this list, please send an email indicating that.


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